Here are some of the images I created during the workshop...
From this I had to choose a specific design that could be applied to various templates...
I chose the following nets because they provided me with a range of different deliverables.
(Creating a set of consistently Branded packages - Print based packaging for coffee chain - COSTA.)
Alternative packaging - Labels/ Sleeves
Scanning the packaging in & drawing directly from the source was a much more efficient way of developing my net designs, as oppose to measuring them and de-scaling them accordingly, which would've effected other aspects of the design process, due to the time constraints.
The emphasis of this exercise was on the placement/ composition and execution of our print based packaging. Selecting ONE brand identity, and applying it across a broad range of deliverables/ packages.
I wanted to ideally, emphasise the brand, along with its personality, after reviewing their gift card & gift-card packaging, I noticed a pattern that was emerging among their products, a pattern very similar to the one I've generated below. Used to decorate their leaflets and disposable coffee cups.
I struck gold when I discovered a downloadable & editable version of the world famous logo.
Key attribute of Branding/ Most recognisable emblem/ Most attractive aesthetic
Branding set// Proposals
The following forms of packaging are very diverse, used to package completely different types of products. Despite this, I'm proposing to use the packages as containers for both coffee beans and Gift cards. While developing my designs, I didn't want to stem too far away from Costa's original Brand identity because it would jeopardise the personality of the brand. Therefore I've kept a very similar colour scheme to the original. I've slightly darkened the tone of red to give it a more refined, luxurious appearance, as oppose to a set of very commercial packages...without all the information. As a set I think the consistency of the colours will definitely contribute to the 'aura' of the print based packages.
- Imperial Vodka/ glass bottle
- Lacoste/ Aftershave
- Costa/ gift-card sleeve
- Wilkinson/ Razors
- Gold leaf/ Cigarette box

Final Designs...
With a bit more preparation I could've applied a spot varnish to the just the emblem which would've certainly made the products look a lot more luxurious.
Crit feedback x4
Strengths// (Combined)
Range of nets used, the boxes all seem reasonably sturdy, Logo is clear on all packages, Using a label on the bottle is a nice change, the only package on the table that isn't constructed from card/paper.
Overall I like the simplicity of these products - choice of stock seems perfect. Very good variation of nets used, Good logo placement across all 5 nets.
The stripy design fits so well, The layout on the whole - on red box is really engaging, Overall well constructed nets, particularly the cigarette packet. Strong, sturdy stock, Extracted coffee bean symbol works well to accompany the design.
Good range of nets, sturdy and robust choice of stock, good variety of size and placement of logo. White logo on maroon background looks great, glass bottle is a nice variation.
Areas for Improvement// (Combined)
Thickness of stock increases durability, yet the finish suffers due to the crease marks/ folding causes, Box nets could be cut more accurately, cigarette box could be glued more securely.
The lines on the gift card sleeve can be quite hard on the eyes, Colours on back of the bottle do appear to be different.
Card to thick for this, that's causing splintering on the edges, grubby yellow marks on the cigarette box, not amazing print quality.
Considerations// (Combined)
Wavy lines may not be necessary, Put the label on the wine bottle around a coffee cup, this would be more relevant to the brand. **If your crafting hanging packaging, include the hanging hole - otherwise you're leaving out details, parts of the net, use and context!
Personal Note: If your creating something that has a lot of uses/ functions - think about the placement of the information/ Instruction.
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